Sunday, January 9, 2011

Overview of Minor Winter Threats

- The northern band of an intense winter storm to affect TN southward, is expected to move across the TN/KY border, because of that some measurable snow is possible tonight/Monday. Any shift further north, than even greater amounts could occur, any shift further south, then pretty much nothing.

- On Tuesday Night(after 1am), may be a little earlier, a Clipper/North Vort is expected to move across MO/IL/IN. This could spread 1 inch to locally 2 inches across West KY. Will have to watch that track, and see if a band can form, from this that could produce locally greater snow amounts.

Neither are expected to be major events for West KY, but if you have travel plans today, and tomorrow, and even Tuesday across TN,GA,AL,Far SE KY,MS,LA,ARK,Carolinas you want to watch the first storm. Any snow that falls in Kentucky, due to colder ground temperatures may stick easier, so if your area gets snow, you want to exercise caution when traveling.

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