Monday, March 16, 2009

Scary tornado stats this decade across West KY

Map below is of F2/EF 2 or above torandoes this decade in West KY With this being severe weather month I thought I would share with you some pretty alarming trends looking at NCDC and PAH archives about West KY.

Esp. So far this decade. Typically West KY looking at trends from 1950 West KY averages around 4 tornadoes a year of any strength and the chance of those being strong or violent is pretty low.

I heard on radio and on new era that West Ky is one of the most dangerous places in the country for strong to violent tornadoes even beating out some areas of TX, OK, KS, and NE this decade.

Even though we still trail them in overall tornado number a higher percent of our tornadoes we get are F/EF 2 and above. West KY has had to date this decade with 9 more months to go a whooping 105 tornadoes (38 are EF2 or above 37 F/EF2's and 3's and 1 F4)

Daviess and Webster have had 5 EF2 or higher tornadoes since 1/3/2000.

Hopkins and Critteden have had 4 tornadoes so far this decade that were EF2/F2 or above.

Christian, Calloway, and Mclean have had 3 tornadoes so far this decade that were EF2 or above. Other counties had 0 to 2.

Only Hickman, Fulton, Carlisle, McCracken, Graves, and Union counties are the only counties to not of had an EF2/F2 or above tornado so far this decade.

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