Thursday, July 23, 2020

COVID-19 Update Western Kentucky

A little late but here is our COVID-19 Weekly Update.

A few things to make note of as far as the data I will present.

The data on the graph that I will show you don't include our newly added county Allen County and that is just for consistency purposes. We will include Allen County in our change in cases per week map.
Even excluding our newly added friends in Allen County we have added 789 new cases this week along with 11 new deaths and that is just using the state numbers. Local health department numbers are even higher in several cases (especially Christian County). This is very concerning and follows the escalation pattern we are seeing across the state and the country.

A few things to note in particular
- We have several reports of people in their 20s and 30s getting quite sick with this and even some deaths or life-long disabilities. Although these factors are relatively rare compared to other age-groups they are still happening. We need every one of all ages to take this seriously. Even if you don't die you face the risk for permanent damage to major organs of your body. We have had people who have damage to their lungs and even brain function due to COVID-19 both locally and nationwide.
- We have a lot of folks traveling to Gulf Shores, Florida, or South Carolina. We need to limit that to business, family, or emergency only. We have had several cluster events in our local area that have been started by someone traveling to those areas. You may not get that sick, but you could give it to someone who will get that sick.
- Mask wearing and social distancing are key and it is up to all of us to do it.
Last but not least, I challenge everyone to be the best American and Kentuckian that you can be. There is a ton of negativity on social media and people being ugly and such. It is totally understandable during these trying and uncertain times that emotions are running high, but I challenge everyone to think before they say or type something out. Is this respectable? Is it kind? Does it add to the negativity? Just something to think about.

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