^^ Map from the NWS of Louisville ^^
From NWS Paducah.
2 years ago on January 28th-30th 2010, a historic Ice Storm struck West KY. Many areas of West KY got hit with 1 to even 2 inches of glaze. Southern Christian/Todd got about 1/4 to 1/2 inch of ice, before changing to plain rain to spare them some of the worst effects(but still caused some power outages, and travel issues), before they changed.
A devastating 1.5 to 2 inches of ice fall across the Mississippi River counties eastward towards Paducah, Calvert City, Princeton, Madisonville, Dawson Springs, Central City KY area. Most of the rest of West KY except for extreme Southern Todd, Christian, saw anywhere from a half inch to inch and a half of ice.
- Some counties had 90-100% of their county without power
- Power didn't return in some areas for 10 to 75 days.
- National Guard had to be called in some areas
- Fatalities sadly occurred, some froze to death, some died helping with repairs after the storm, some used improper heating devices.
2 to 4 inches of snow also fell from Bardwell to Calvert City KY to Livermore KY line north, with up to 4 in the Henderson KY area, and an half inch to 2 south of that line, towards the end of the storm.
The NWS did a great job, as Watches were out 36 to 48 hours before the storm, the storm was mentioned up to a week out, and Warnings went out for everyone.
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